Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Central Church, drLee, jae-rock Lee

A thyroid lump on my throat was completely gone!
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One day in January 2024, I woke up in the morning and felt pain in my neck. I could feel a small lump. As time passed, the lump grew bigger and bigger to turn into a bump, and the affected area became swollen. It was easily visible, so I turned up my collar or covered it with a scarf. ...

I have been healed of my 20-year-old bronchial asthma!

Manmin News   No. 76
June 19, 2006

Sung-jin Lee (65; Eastern Kwangju Manmin Church)

One day in 1985, some 21 years ago, I began coughing. At first, I only thought of the coughing as a part of the resolution phase but it gradually became worse. Then starting about 7 years ago, the coughing was compounded with dyspnea, which forced me to quit my job and stay at home. Over the years, my condition only grew worse. Beginning a few years ago, walking up a step in a staircase became unbearably difficult and even going to the bathroom became so tremendously burdensome that I did not bother going outdoors.
I went to a few hospitals but none of them had the cure for me and I began relying on medication in vain. Depression also began to overwhelm me, perhaps because I was staying home most of the time. In hopes of overcoming this, when I was not out of breath as much, I smoked one to two packs of cigarettes a day, which, looking back at it now, was nothing but suicidal. From inertia and the loss of appetite, I skipped a lot of meals and at one point, I was 175 centimeters (about 5 feet nine inches) tall but weighed only 49 kilograms (about 108 pounds).
At the introduction of my youngest sister, I joined Eastern Kwangju Manmin Church in March 2005. When I first arrived at the church, I did not understand any of the messages but I felt unexplainable peace in my heart.
Then I set aside 21 days of vowed worship services with the guidance of pastor Yeon-ok Jung at my home. During those three weeks, I learned things like who God is and why Jesus is my Savior, and through Manmin Joong-ang News and the Manmin magazine, and books he had written, I learned about Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee's manifestations of God's power.
In December 2005, I became convinced that I would be healed of my bronchial asthma if I went to Manmin's Main Sanctuary in Seoul and received Rev. Dr. Lee's prayer. Before the Friday All-night Service, I received his prayer and the moment Rev. Dr. Lee prayed for me, I felt strength throughout my body and I could walk up a flight of stairs with no difficulty. Moreover, in the grace of God, by early January 2006 I was able to do something I had been unable to do even in times I was sick: quit smoking.
During a worship service one day in January 2006, I rent my heart with tears in repentance for not having heeded the words of evangelists, lived a life of intemperance, sought only my own benefits, and made my wife's life difficult.
As I received the Senior Pastor's prayer a few more times afterwards, my condition improved dramatically. I no longer run out of breath even when I run up and down the staircases and I have since gained 8 kilograms (about 18 pounds).
At my oldest son's wedding on March 12, relatives and well-wishers in attendance were very delighted to see me so healthy and well again.
In addition to my asthma, God has also healed me of hemorrhoid from which I'd been suffering for 25 years. Hallelujah!




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee