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I was healed of acute cerebral infarction and acute myocardial infarction!
New Update
On September 3, 2024, I came across a minor collision on the way to work. When I got to the office and drank water, my hands were shaking and I could not keep my balance. I was sent to the emergency room and the examination results showed that I had an acute cerebral infarction, which was serious. The doctor advised me to go to a larger hospital. ...

I will become a messenger of life testifying to God the Creator as a cardiothoracic surgeon

Manmin News  
July 03, 2005

Dr. Paul Ponraj
. Senior consultant cardiothoracic surgeon at a prominent hospital in Chennai
. Director of WCDN India

Born again through Rev. Billy Graham

I was born and raised in a rich home of India and entered the College of Medicine at the University of Madras. After the graduation from the university, I married Jayasri, an ophthalmologist and flew to the United Kingdom for additional study.

In 1986, I was attending the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. I was preparing for the qualification exam to become a surgeon. One day I participated in the crusade conducted by Rev. Billy Graham and was born again there.

Witnessing the power of God at the 2002 India Crusade

In the October of 2002, the Miracle Healing Prayer Festival with Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee took place at the Marina Beach, Chennai of India, and I watched it on TV with my family. The Tamil praises of Korean Praise Teams were very touching to me and we were surprised at that enormous attendance.

The messages preached by Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee were very easy and clear to understand. But, when a lot of people threw away their crutches, the deaf came to hear and the mute began to speak through his prayer for the sick, we were shocked.

Watching that meeting on TV, I found that in the same way Acts 19:11-12 tells us that handkerchiefs that had touched Paul were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured, a number of healings have happened through the handkerchiefs Rev. Dr. Lee had laid his hand on in prayer.

Experiencing amazing works transcending medicine

After 2002 Miracle Healing Prayer Festival, I sent handkerchiefs to Rev. Dr. Lee in Korea, and asked him to pray on them. I came to experience the living God who answers to our prayers and heals us through the handkerchiefs.

An 80-year-old businessman, living in Chennai, had to depend on an artificial heart pumping controller for 20 years, and had an operation. Because he was too old, the result of surgery was not good and he did not seem to get well. I put the handkerchief on him and earnestly prayed for him with faith. To my surprise, in a very short time, he recovered his health and threw away that artificial heart pumping controller.

In the January of 2004, a man who was in need of a coronary artery bypass surgery was brought to me, and I immediately began the surgery since it was a simple, straightforward bypass graft surgery that did not require a cardiopulmonary pump. As I was sealing the patient's chest, his condition became critical all of a sudden as his electrocardiogram became abnormal and his blood pressure plummeted. I made various efforst to recocer him in vain, and I thought I shodul declare he was almost dead. But relying on God, I knelt down on the ground and prayed to God with the handkerchief Rev. Dr. Lee had prayed on in my hands. Suddenly the patient's condition had turned completely for the better and his electrocardiogram had become normal. Hallelujha!

Visiting Manmin Joong-ang Church

Through this experience, I came to trust the power of Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee and began to preach the gospel and testified to the living God to my patients with courage and confidence. In the May of 2004, my wife and I flew to Korea to attend the 12 th Two-week Special Revival Meeting of Manmin Joong-ang Church, and we witnessed amazing works of God's power. After that revival, we participated in the 1 st International Christian Medical Conference, and I presented the miracle I had experienced with medical data there. How thankful and joyful I was to find the establishing of a Christian doctors' network that testifies to divine healings supported with medical data.

My eldest son Samuel sat for entrance exam for the medical college, but his points was less than requested for that college. So, I asked Rev. Dr. Lee to pray for his success. On July 31, 2004, my son and I attended the Friday All-night Service on the Internet at Chennai Manmin Church and received his prayer with faith. On August 18, 2004, my son received the notification of passing the Father Muller Medical College, in Bangalore of Karnataka.

Preparing for the 2 nd International Christian Medical Conference

This past September we decided to hold the 2 nd International Christian Medical Conference in India during the coming May of 2005. At first I had no idea how we should prepare for the 2 nd conference because I had never seen a conference dealing with presentations of divine healings performed by the power of God!

I left everything to God in prayer and proceeded with each every task with Pastors Joseph Han and Sanghui Kim. Then, everything went along well. George M. Chandy, Director of the Christian Medical College, Vellore of India and Rev. Dr. John Joseph, a prominent evangelist and prophet serving in southern India promised to present the opening address and the preaching respectively. And, Dr. David Prentice, Ph.D., renown Senior Fellow for life sciences at Family Research Council- a Washington D.C.based think tank who is also an affiliated scholar for the Center for Clinical Bioethics, Georgetown University Medical Center, was invited to give an special speech about today's controversial topics, including stem cell research, cloning and euthanasia. I became assured that the Holy Spirit Himself was leading this conference.

Wishing to become a medical messenger of the gospel

On the 30 th and 31 st of May, the 2 nd conference was kicked off and it brought about 500 physicians from 11 countries. Until then most of medical conferences dealt with medical ethics and medical mission, but the first medical conference dealing with divine healings was now being held. The miraculous healings that were presented included the healing of ruptured bones, the limpness, and many other cases. Many surgeons and physicians confessed they gained satisfactory answer in their hearts through presentations of miraculous healings. They also showed expectations about the future and vision of WCDN. Through this 2 nd conference, my long-timed desire was given that I had wanted to become a medical messenger to testify to the living God like St. Luke. I will spread the works of the power of God to the world through WCDN. All glory and thanks to God!

1. Dr. Jayasri Ponraj, an ophthalmologist presenting divine healing
2. The 2 nd International Christian Medical Conference




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee