I enjoy good health and blessing living by the word of God
Manmin News
12407 |
July 02, 2005 |
"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." (Malachi 3:10)
Deacon Haengchul Shin (Representative of Central Brain, 4-15 th Parish, 2-3 Men's Mission)
I claimed to believe in God but loved the world
I claimed to believe in God, but I didn't rely on Him but was well accustomed to drinking and smoking. I suffered from high blood pressure and stomach aches and was stricken from hearing difficulty because I listened to heavy metal music to overcome stress. My mental depression caused troubles and pains to my family for about 6 years and my 10-year old plastic- distributing business had barely improved.
After recruiting a woman who sends out the aroma of Christ
However, God gave me the light of love. After I recruited Ms. Seolhyun Na who attended Manmin Joong-ang Church in 2001, God has led me to the way of blessing. She had bright and smiling appearance and was full of confidence. She was not good only at counseling customers on company products, but at wrapping, relocating and stocking heavy items as well. When I watched her living by the word of God, I was touched in my heart and considered her deeds as the real Christian life. I was sometimes challenged by her life, but comforted myself saying to her, "The minimum Christian life is enough to get by with." She preached the message of Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee to me and was proud that she was a member of Manmin Joong-ang Church. She introduced to me miracles of circular rainbows, Muan Sweet Water, and divine healing, and I became curious about the church.
Registering at Manmin Joong-ang Church and my renewed life
In the early November of 2002, I attended the Friday All-night service of Manmin Joong-ang church for the first time. When I passed through the gate of the sanctuary, my heart was strongly touched at the holy picture of Jesus' Return and spiritual praises that rang my soul, and when I heard the message preached by Rev. Dr. Lee, I realized how people can be seized by the word of God. That's why I brought my wife and daughters to the church on the following Sunday and had them register at the church. I was so moved at the testimonial memoirs of Rev. Dr. Lee "Tasting Eternal Life Before Death" and I have written notes down while listening to his messages. I was determined to live a real Christian life looking at God alone.
Experiencing the work of God
To my great amazement, I was able to not only stop drinking and smoking instantly but I also threw away all the discs of heavy metal music I had used to enjoy. I had been doubtful of people smiling due to my mental depression before, but I was healed of that disease and my home became bright and happy. My mother was delighted with my healing and confessed her thanks to God for healing her son.
Enjoying the happiness and joy of a good Christian life, I became healed of other diseases including high blood pressure, stomach aches and pain in my shoulders. In addition, I have been given such a few important tasks from the church as a member of Shalom Choir, a group leader of 2-3 rd Men's Mission, a financial director of Sunday Children's School, a cell leader of 4-15 th Parish, and have been faithful to those God-given duties.
After I began to give the whole tithe
Deaconess Seolhyn Na felt sorry for me because I managed my company with faithfulness and served the church with sincerity, but I had not received much blessing. One day through her, I realized the whole tithe is not a tenth of the amount of my income excluding labor wages and necessary expenses but a tenth of the total amount of income, and the reason that God's blessing was slower than expected. Later when she advised me to visit Rev. Dr. Lee and receive his prayer of blessing, my wife and I agreed to her suggestion. First of all, I gave the whole tithe to God and prepared for some offerings to visit him the last March. When he read my business notebook, he first asked me, "Have you given the tithes of one million won (US $ 1,000) a month?"
I honestly answered, "No, I have not." Then, he said to me, "It is very sorrowful thing for you not to give the proper amount of tithe, isn't it?" I felt sorry in my heart. But I was very thankful for him letting me know exactly what the problem was in my Christian life. Instantly, I felt that I was about to shed tears.
When I gave the tithe for the expired installment savings and the whole tithe for the total amount of my income in April after receiving the prayer of Rev. Dr. Lee, God's blessing began to pour down on me. What a long time the Father has wanted to give me blessing but had to wait until I came to give the whole tithe!
God was unfailingly faithful. It was after I gave the whole tithe when every kind of problem in my business was solved, unexpected orders arrived, and the billings were paid immediately. The total income of May had doubled over that in April.
My life is full of the love and blessing of God
I have tried my best to live according to the word of God in humility, so that my religious life has been upgraded; my heart is filled with joy and happiness and I have confidence in everything. In addition, when I testified to the living God I had met, Mr. Sesup Chun, general manager of our company, and his family registered at Manmin Joong-ang Church.
Likewise, through Deaconess Seolhyun Na who spread the aroma of Christ, three families including mine were guided to this church and came to take pleasure in living a real Christian life.