On September 3, 2024, I came across a minor collision on the way to work. When I got to the office and drank water, my hands were shaking and I could not keep my balance. I was sent to the emergency room and the examination results showed that I had an acute cerebral infarction, which was serious. The doctor advised me to go to a larger hospital. ...
Overflowing love and blessing of God into my upright pathway
Manmin News
June 28, 2005
Deacon Yongwook Park (Professor of Computer information department of Ulsan College, Southern Ulsan Manmin Church)
In May 1995, I married Miss Heekyoung Son, teacher of an elementary school and at first we had to remain apart from each other during the week and meet on weekends because our working places were so far from each other. After my wife gave birth to our first daughter, she took maternity leave and we began to live together in Songtan City. We also began to attend a church through a Christian fellowship group in my company.
My spiritual hunger guided me to Manmin Joong-ang Church
I worked at a research institute for electronic parts. Almost every lunch hour I went to pray to God at the church around the corner from my company. Whenever I prayed to God at the remote sanctuary alone, I felt God held me in His tender arms and He listened to my prayers. Nonetheless, I had a spiritual desire for meeting God more deeply and thirst for the clear interpretation of hard-to–understand biblical verses.
One day in September of 1996, I was guided to Manmin Joong-ang Church by Deaconess Myoungja Cho and I attended the Friday All-night service of the church. Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee's message full of life and strength and church members' prayers and praises overwhelmed me. My heart was filled with a great joy as if my heart were about to burst wide open.
A few months later I was asked to start the doctoral course by a professor of Pusan National University and retired from the research center. In the February of 1997, I went to Ulsan City where my wife was working and registered at Ulsan Manmin Church.
Sanctuary-building Offerings and my Prosperous Soul
At that time Ulsan Manmin Church purchased a new site for the new sanctuary and began construction. My wife and I were very thankful for the grace of God who had led us to the church of life and gave the retirement pay as the sanctuary-building offering. God accepted this offering joyfully and added to my blessing day by day. Every morning and evening I drove my car for three hours between Ulsan and Pusan while listening to Rev. Dr. Lee's sermon audio tapes. In that way I built up spiritual knowledge. And I sometimes fasted in prayer. I felt my faith was growing daily.
In the January of 1998, the people around me advised me to apply for the professor job of the Computer Information Department of Ulsan College. I heard after applying for it that most of the applicants were Pusan National University graduates and the Ulsan College administration bureau was about to recruit those who were from other colleges or universities for balanced selection.
I was a little worried because I was a Pusan National University graduate, but every worship service I received the prayer of Rev. Dr. Lee broadcast via satellites about the desires of and my heart calmed down.
Recruited as a professor of Ulsan College
In the February of 1998, five school departments of Ulsan College announced the names of the five men who passed the recruiting test, but the Computer Engineering Department I had applied for postponed its announcement twice. A few days later it announced it. "Professor Yongwook Park! Congratulations!"
My wife rejoiced, jumping up and down, when I told her about my recruitment, and many church members rejoiced in it also. With the announced result, I became certain that I had been recruited by the work of God. The Computer Engineering Department recruited two professors for two different fields; Course A and course B. In the course B there were many Pusan University graduates who applied, and finally an applicant who graduated from another university passed. I was chosen although in the course A there were many other universities graduates who applied and I graduated from Pusan University.
My upright way was followed by overflowing blessing
Two years later the reemployment time came. It was not easy to test and evaluate each professor with the same standards because each one belonged to different departments. That's why the human mutual relationship was expected to have an important influence on reemployment. Some professors advised me to join a drinking party and share friendly talks with others, but I did not join it at all according to the word of God.
Rather, every night I attended Daniel Night Prayer Meeting after my work at the college, and fervently prayed to God. I had been busy in studying in my specialty field and in searching for promising young men day and night. And I tried my best to consult many students and preach the love of the Lord and help them be good at school.
In the early year of 2000, to my joy I was reemployed according to the word of Psalm 37:4 saying that "Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart." Hallelujah! I have been approved by my college administration bureau and joined a few important projects. Many times I have been appointed as the head of the Computer Engineering Department and recently I promoted as the Director of Computer Information Department.
The Blessings of Healing and Health Given to my Family
Meantime blessing came upon my family. When my second son Samuel was three years old, the child suffered from atopic dermatitis on the face and the whole skin. We vowed to pray every day and after we finished the vowed prayer my son recovered to normal. But very strangely a part of my son's body where my wife had applied an ointment remained unhealed and he had relapses every year. When we repented of it and sprayed Muan sweet water on the part and Rev. Dr. Lee prayed on it, he was completely healed. In addition, he was healed of allergic asthma after we finished vowed 21-day prayers and received Rev. Dr. Lee's prayer.
My children read one chapter of the Bible daily and memorize one verse of it. They try their best to live by the word. That's why they are praised and deemed as nice and decent by neighbors and school teachers. My wife teaches her students with the love of the Lord and so she is praised by their parents and feels happy.
I give all thanks and glory to God the Father and give thanks to Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee who prayed for us with all his sincerity.