People Who Have Experienced the Spiritual Realm
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January 25, 2009 |
The spiritual realm is not in a faraway place beyond the ends of the universe. Just as you can see the surroundings and feel the breeze when you open the windows at home or in the car, the spiritual realm is close to us. When the God of righteousness allows, anyone can come in contact with the spiritual realm right where he or she is. Things impossible in the fleshly world are easily possible in the spiritual realm. As knowledge and civilization have advanced, even in the fleshly world we see people creating by manpower and utilizing different spaces for a variety of purposes. For instance, people have created greenhouses in which they can grow vegetables and flowers even in the middle of the winter. Likewise, when we find ourselves in the spiritual realm during our lives, what was impossible will be made possible and we will be protected from a variety of accidents or diseases. Throughout the Bible are records of how the fathers of faithfulness made use of the spiritual realm and accomplished marvelous things. Peter, the Apostle Paul, and Silas could escape from the prison with the help of angels (Acts 12:7-10; 16:25-26) and Daniel was kept safe despite having been thrown in the lions' den (Daniel 6:22). Daniel's three friends were also thrown into the midst of the furnace of blazing fire were unharmed (Daniel 3:24-25) while the Apostle Paul, violently storm-tossed on his way to Rome in custody, and all of the 276 people onboard the ship were protected (Acts 27:18-44). This was possible because these people had harbored the spiritual heart befitting God's righteousness; they had taken after the heart of Our Lord. Just as God thought of Abraham and saved his nephew Lot when the city of Sodom was being destroyed (Genesis 19:29), God opens the spiritual realm and works through the people He loves. Such instances are commonplace at Manmin Central Church today. The spiritual realm is experienced in the lives of not only spiritual people who have taken after the heart of the Lord, but also constantly of all those who make every effort to live by God's Word. (Editors)
Vehicles totaled but not injury sustained
John Otieno (Nairobi Manmin Holiness Church) of the Morolongo region, about 10 kilometers (about 6.2 miles) from Nairobi, Kenya, is a faithful brother in Christ who keeps every Lord's Day holy and gives God whole tithes. On Monday, December 22, 2008, John was coming home on a 14-person van, commonly known in the region as a matatu. Riding in the back of the van, John fell asleep but was woken up by a thunderous burst. The van, traveling at a high speed, had rammed into the rear of a truck in front of it and rolled over 5 times onto a roadside field, and John, amidst the screams and shrieks of the passengers, lost consciousness. When he came to, John saw a severely damaged van with its window glasses shattered to pieces and filled with people covered in blood. Ambulances soon arrived and 13 people were hurriedly brought to a nearby hospital, where people died while survivors cried out in pain. However, John had not sustained an injury anywhere in his body and everyone was stunned.
In a similar case, a car driven by Deacon Jin-O Jung and his wife Deaconess Eun-Mi Oh of Manmin Central Church collided by human error with the median and guardrails on a highway and rolled over 3 times. Even though the car was totaled right away, the two and their young son had not been scratched or bruised anywhere. They said afterwards that at the moment of the accident, they felt as though they were being surrounded in a ball of downy hairs and felt no impact of the collision, and felt the help of angels.
Mrs. Nam-Sook Sim, wife of Senior Pastor James of Manmin International Church in New York, and their son Ted, was involved in an accident while crossing the Whitestone Bridge between the Bronx and Queens in New York City and their car was totaled. Yet, they sustained no injury whatsoever. As they had encountered the spiritual realm, their cars might have been damaged beyond repair but they were kept safe from harm.
Two-year old boy falls into 5-meter-deep well, survives
The following took place on Sunday, December 7, 2008, in Busia District of Kenya. While the Sunday Service was taking place, a two-year-old boy fell headfirst into a well of 5 meters (about 16.4 feet) in depth. Upon learning of the accident, a young man climbed down the well walls and retrieved the boy. Some ten minutes had passed by that time, however, and as the boy showed no signs of life, everyone gathered thought the boy had died. When Bishop to Africa Rev. Dr. Myong-Ho Cheong prayed for him with the handkerchief on which Dr. Jaerock Lee had prayed (Acts 19:11-12), however, the boy threw up water and opened his eyes. When the people saw this, they cheered and said that "angels helped the boy."
My brother freed from evil spirits and my daughter survived an enormous gas explosion ~ Deaconess Kyung-Hwa Lee (China Mission 1)
While desperately searching for God, Deaconess Kyung-Hwa Lee learned about Manmin Central Church in 2000. While devoting herself to a three-day fasting and prayer, Deaconess Lee was healed at once of a variety of illnesses including cardiac neurosis and hepatitis. At the time, her older brother in China was being tormented by evil spirits and dying. He had grown so weak that the doctors at a hospital told him in September 2008 that he would not live much longer. The moment Deaconess Lee heard the news, she received Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer on his photograph while her brother also received prayer on the Internet. Soon afterwards, he regained strength and became healthy again in no time. In the middle of October, Deaconess Lee visited China where she worshipped and prayed in repentance with her brother every day, and prayed for him with the handkerchief on which Dr. Jaerock Lee had prayed. Over time, his body was renewed. After he received on the Internet the Dr. Lee's prayer during the Special Divine Healing Meeting held in November, his condition has markedly improved. He had been unable to go outside for 4 years and unable to take a single step for two years. Today, he is in good health and not only goes to church on his own but also partakes in the Daniel Prayer Meetings every evening. In the mean time, at the end of September, there was a massive gas explosion in the house next to the building in which two daughters of Deaconess Lee lived. The owner of that house died in the explosion. Her daughters at the time were renting an apartment on the 5th floor of the building, which sustained serious damage from the explosion that shattered windows and knocked out window frames on the 3rd, 4th, and 6th floors. However, Deaconess Lee's two daughters were sound asleep, completely unaware of any explosion. The next morning, up a little earlier than usual largely due to the commotion, the two went outside and examined what had transpired the night before. When the police saw them, they were astonished. "Why are you here?" they asked the girls. "Are you all right?" As they had encountered the spiritual realm even in moments of maximum danger, they could sleep in peace and sustained no injury or damage.