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[Special IV] Surveying the Footsteps of the Savior Jesus
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The city of Jerusalem has more than 5,000 years of inhabited history. During its long history, Jerusalem has been destroyed twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times. Laying the city of Jerusalem in independent control of the Jebusites, King David of Israel first established Jerusalem as the capital of the United Kingdom of Israel in 1000 BC. His son, Solomon commissi ...

[In India Now] A Nation of Hindus Set Ablaze by the Fire of the Holy Spirit

Manmin News   No. 113
March 03, 2008

~ Missionary Joseph Han
(Senior Pastor, Chennai Manmin Church)

India is the origin of four religions – Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism – and is a nation of more than 330 million idols. Hinduism, followed by about 82% of the population, is more of a pattern of life than a religion. Formed about 2000 B.C., it has penetrated into every aspect of life, and Hindus frequently worship their idols.
Christians account for about 3% of the population and among some 1.1 billion people in all of India, many are living their lives and dying without ever hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

GCN: Driving force in the spiritual growth; 298 branch and associate churches working together

With the goal of sharing with Indians the love of Jesus Christ and preaching the gospel of sanctification, Chennai Manmin Church was established in November 2004. At the time of the founding were only 20 members but today, there are approximately 200 members at the church, which also has a network of 298 branch and associate churches.

The driving force of the revival has been the Global Christian Network ("GCN"; Dr. Jaerock Lee, Chairman). Chennai Manmin Church participates in real time the Friday All-night Services and Sunday Services held at Manmin Central Church in Seoul. As people hear Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's messages and receive his prayer by faith, the church abounds with testimonies of brothers and sisters who have received God's healing of their diseases and answers to the desires of their heart. Churchgoers here have come to possess spiritual faith, desire sanctification, and hope for New Jerusalem.

One critical aspect that cannot be left out is the literary mission work. Dr. Jaerock Lee's The Message of the Cross, Heaven I and II, and Hell have already been or will soon be translated into English and Tamil. Published works are distributed to countless pastors and layman brothers and sisters at church leaders' seminars held in different regions of the country and through OM Books (India's largest Christian publishing company) at exhibitions and bookstores throughout India.

1. WCDN seminar in Tiruchchirappalli
2. The 2nd International Christian Medical Conference

The World Christian Doctors Network ("WCDN"; Dr. Jaerock Lee, Chairman) is a sound support in the evangelization effort in India. After "The 2nd International Christian Medical Conference" held with success in Chennai in May 2005, a WCDN India office has been established and in operation. It is the fruit of the Conference, which was held under the theme "Spirituality and Medicine," attracted more than 500 medical professionals from 11 countries around the world, and caused a huge sensation with presentations of healing of severe diseases as manifested through the Senior Pastor.
To this day, seminars have been held at medical schools in the cities of Nagercoil and Tiruchchirappalli in Tamil Nadu State; Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh State; and at Karakonam Medical School in Kerala State. In addition, WCDN India's activities include seminar organization meetings held regularly in New Delhi, capital of India.

Literary mission and WCDN; MIS Correspondence Education; Branch church-centered mission work

Missionary Joseph Han prays with the handkerchief on which Dr. Jaerock Lee has prayed (Acts 19:11-12) at the invitation of Trinity Full Gospel Church in Chennai

Following "The 2002 India Miracle Healing Prayer Festival with Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee," the national government and the state government in Tamil Nadu have become friendly towards Christianity. As a result, churches and mission organizations are now able to carry out mission work in many different parts of India. This is an answer to the prayer of Dr. Jaerock Lee and Indian Christians at the 2002 Festival for the Indian government.
New churches are being built throughout India and existing churches are experiencing marvelous growth and revival. Many Hindus and Muslims in India are also converting to Christianity.
Boasting the second largest population in the world, India is in need of a more effective mission strategy. Chennai Manmin Church will target local pastors and church leaders by operating the correspondence education through Manmin International Seminary ("MIS") and strategic mission work centered on the individual ministry of branch churches.

Daniel of Chennai Manmin Church, Recipient of 'Manmohan Singh Award'

Under the central government in India are 25 states and 7 union territories. Bearing the name of the current Prime Minister, the central government selects and rewards 15 academically outstanding students from one state each year.
Daniel, enrolled at South Indian Medical College, received a score of 95 out of 100 on the final examination last semester in December 2007. Selected from about 2,000 students at the College, Daniel received "The Manmohan Singh Award."
Soon after he began attending the College, Daniel's grades suffered on account of family discord and poverty. Then about a year ago, he started attending Chennai Manmin Church. Daniel has not only kept the Lord's Day holy, but he has also participated in all worship services and come to possess true faith. As a result, he has been able to remove all idle thoughts within him and found that peace had settled in his heart. As he concentrated on his studies in full trust of the Lord, Daniel's grades began to improve and in the end he has become the top of his class.
Daniel is a very devoted man of God, in charge of the maintenance of the sound and broadcasting equipment at the church and serving as a Sunday School teacher.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee