[Letters from Abroad] The Special Seminar on Hell was a huge success!

Manmin News
 4306 |
February 19, 2006 |
"The Special Seminar on Hell" was a huge success! Rev. Guy Davidts (Senior Pastor, Brussels Revival Faith Manmin Church, Belgium)
From Friday, January 20, to Sunday, January 22, 2006, the four-part "The Special Seminar on Hell" took place in Brussels, Belgium. All participants confessed of having received teeming grace by God's prophecy on hell and gave a very enthusiastic and favorable response. Many of the participants ordered cassette tapes of the messages delivered, expressing that they would like to hear the messages again and share the tapes with their friends and family. I am also planning for a special seminar on heaven in the near future.
"By the prayer with the handkerchief on which Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee prayed, both of my ears have opened after 10 years!" Sun-ok Kim (China)
I had been tormented for 10 years because I was unable to hear through either one of my ears. After receiving prayer with the handkerchief on which Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee had prayed, however, something truly astonishing took place. After an accident in which I was hoofed by a horse, I had been completely unable to hear through my left ear and I could only hear loud sounds through my right ear. Afterwards, I was preached the gospel, joined a branch church of Manmin Joong-ang Church, and began my life in Christ. Then on December 22, 2005, I received prayer with the handkerchief on which Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee had prayed and immediately, I could begin hearing through both of my ears. In addition, I have also been healed of hypertension after receiving the Senior Pastor's prayer on the television screen.
"Times of worship, prayer, and praise were filled with heart-moving tears." Dr. Eileen Diaz, M.D. (Chairman of the Preparation Committee, The 3rd WCDN Conference)
All the members of the entourage from the Philippines would like to express our deepest gratitude for the hospitality the Senior Pastor and WCDN (World Christian Doctors Network) associates have shown us during our trip to Korea. At Muan Manmin Church, we experienced the astounding power of God who transformed the salty water of the sea into sweet, potable water. The special performances by Manmin's performing arts teams filled our hearts with grace and the Holy Spirit. Performances of the choir and the Nissi Orchestra were also magnificent. By everything we had witnessed at Manmin Joong-ang Church, including times of worship, prayer, and praise, heart-moving tears never stopped streaming down our cheeks. We also saw many workers arduously laboring to put together the cases of healing manifested through Rev. Dr. Lee, and we are sure that the data collected and compiled will serve to give great glory to God. We have also read a number of Rev. Dr. Lee's published works, including his testimonial memoir Tasting Eternal Life Before Death as well as The Message of the Cross, The Measure of Faith, and Heaven and received overflowing grace from them.
"I have been healed of the pain in my waist and the spasmodic symptom while watching GCN." Lucille Jackson (Brooklyn, New York City)
Messages of Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee are always in line with the Bible and he teaches me how I can have fellowship with the Lord. Thanks to Rev. Dr. Lee and his messages, my life has been transformed. For a long time I suffered from a pain in my waist as well as the spasmodic symptom. While watching GCN one time, Rev. Dr. Lee told the audience to place their hands on the parts of the body that are ill. When I obeyed, I experienced the healing of the pain in my waist and the spasmodic symptom. I was astonished and speechless to learn and experience for myself that miracles could indeed take place while watching television.