[Glory to God] Proud Faces of Manmin
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January 20, 2008 |
Manmin Central Church abounds in pastors, ministers, workers, and layman brothers and sisters who are deeply in love with God. This edition of Manmin News introduces a number of proud faces at Manmin who have made every effort and devoted themselves for the great glory of God in a variety of capacities throughout Year 2007.
{Plaque of Recognition} Rev. Heesun Lee: " It is most worthwhile to see people coming forth before God amidst His love."
Rev. Heesun Lee has traveled to scores of branch churches in Korea and across the world in sharing of the love of the Lord. In recognition of her work for the revival and spiritual development at branch churches at home and around the world, Rev. Heesun Lee has been awarded " The 2007 Plaque of Recognition." The Plaque of Recognition is awarded annually after a careful deliberation by the Church Seniors' Committee to an individual who has made the greatest contribution to the church's revival. Beginning with 28 branch churches scattered throughout Japan during " The Japan Nationwide Handkerchief Meetings (Acts 19:11-12)" in August 2004, Rev. Lee has since traveled to many branch churches in Europe, America, the Philippines, and Japan. Wherever she has gone, believers have received God's solutions to a variety of problems in life and experienced spiritual fullness and become filled with an earnest hope for heaven. Her visits have also made it possible for branch churches to vow to unite in the current of the whole spirit. Rev. Lee, who says she feels it most worthwhile whenever she sees believers receive God's healing and answers to their problems and come forth before Him and pastors and ministers renewing their commitment and conviction before God, gave thanks to God for giving her such a precious and prestigious award.
{Plaque of Appreciation} Hyuk-Jae Lee: 'Eun-Hyuk' of Super Junior Returns the Love of His Fans
Hyuk-Jae Lee (stage name " Eun-Hyuk" ) of Korea's popular dance group " Super Junior" made his debut in November 2005 and is also a DJ on a radio program and an emcee on a television music program. Even as he lives his life in the entertainment industry that makes it rather difficult for people to lead their lives in Christ, Lee strives to set himself as an example as a faithful Christian. Many fans have visited Manmin Central Church to catch a glimpse of him and 137 of them have joined the church in 2007. Some of them have received grace from Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's messages, received God's healing of their diseases, settled down at the church, and are leading faithful lives in Christ. " I am overjoyed to see my fans joining the church," says Lee. " I am also glad that Manmin is made known better and many people are receiving salvation through me." He also expressed his gratitude to his parents for looking after those who have joined the church on his account.
{ Plaque of Appreciation } Rev. Yeon-Ok Jung: " All this is by the grace of God, the grace of the Lord, and the grace of the shepherd."
Rev. Yeon-Ok Jung of Eastern Gwangju Manmin Church has been awarded the Plaque of Appreciation in recognition of her work towards the revival of a branch church and devoted service for the souls. Not sparing her own time and resources, Rev. Jung has looked after her flock day and night through spiritual visits, leading members of Eastern Gwangju Manmin to swiftly receive God's answers to a variety of problems in life and coming forth as wheat. All this work has caused the membership of Eastern Gwangju Manmin Church to double in Year 2007. " If church members face any problems, she does not hesitate to help and resolve them. She also sets herself as an example so that all church members could live in faith." Having received grace from Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's messages of life, Rev. Jung was led to Manmin through prayer and dreams. She founded Eastern Gwangju Manmin Church soon afterwards, offering to God " The Founding Service" in February 2004.
{ Plaque of Appreciation } Senior Deaconess Jung-Ok Kim: 'Big Mama' in the Chinese Mission
District Leader, Senior Deaconess Jung-Ok Kim plants seeds of faith and hope for heaven in the hearts of the members of the Chinese Mission with her zeal and passion. When she participated in " The Special Two-week Revival Meeting with Dr. Jaerock Lee" in May 1999 on the Internet, Senior Deaconess Kim received God's healing of a variety of diseases, including breast cancer by the prayer of Dr. Lee. In gratitude of God's grace and desire to serve Him, she moved to Korea and has devoted herself to taking care of Chinese nationals at Manmin living and working in Korea. Furthermore, Senior Deaconess Kim is never hesitant to go out of her ways to take care of members of the Chinese Mission at the " House of Sanctification." She not only aids them in settling down in Korea but also leads them to accept Jesus Christ, receive salvation, and lead a blessed life.
{ Plaque of Appreciation } Senior Deaconess Kyung-Eun Lee: " I hope the flowers on the altar will be accepted like holy sacrifice offered to God in spirit and in truth."
For the past 19 years, Senior Deaconess Kyung-Eun Lee has devoted herself to the flower arrangement on the altars in the sanctuaries at Manmin Central Church. In addition, she has also been partially in charge of decorations and arrangements at devotional services for a variety of missions and for Christmas Tree Lightings and anniversary celebrations. At times, she had to work through the night but in gratitude of the opportunity to decorate a sacred altar at which God and the Lord are and to which all peoples around the world look, Senior Deaconess Lee marches onward prayerfully. She remarks that Manmin members will be able to worship God in spirit and in truth through the flower arrangements on the altars. Prior to starting arrangements for devotional services and for the altar in general, she always makes sure to pray and be led by the Holy Spirit and confesses that for whatever the occasion, she is always able to prepare the altar in the most appropriate manner. Furthermore, whenever she prays beforehand and goes to purchase flowers with fellow members of the Florists' Mission, she finds all the materials and flowers needed have always been prepared for them.