Feature Story_Be My Witnesses to the End of the Earth (1)
 6528 |
May 19, 2019 |

"…but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth." Acts 1:8
The Explosive Power of God Since 2000
Manmin Central Church has been unceasingly exerting their effort in evangelism of the nation and the world, while going through great revival thanks to word of life and powerful works of God. The Senior Pastor Rev. Jaerock Lee passed great trials of faith in '98 and '99 with love, and as a result, God's great power, the power of creation began to take place beginning in 2000. In the past he church held revival meetings in May every year until 2004. The titles were "Come and See the Evidence of the Living God", "By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God", "Power of God" and "Original Voice". From July 2000, united crusades with the speaker Rev. Jaerock Lee were held in various countries drawing hundreds of thousands to even millions of attendees. God the Creator and Jesus Christ were preached. Various diseases were healed by the power of the Holy Spirit; the blind came to see, the deaf to hear, the mute to speak, and the lame to walk. The demons left, the dead were brought back to life. The people discarded idols and accepted Jesus Christ. Countless souls around the world were guided to the way of salvation.
Power of God
God first let us have 7 united crusades. They were held in Uganda, Japan, Pakistan, Kenya, Philippines, Honduras, and India. Then, He let us know we'd have crusades in Dubai, Russia, Germany, Peru, D.R. Congo, and the United States. They were a step toward the return of the gospel to Israel. In April 2003, a meeting was held in Dubai, U.A.E, which is a gateway city of the Middle East. The actual meeting was canceled by the authorities, but God guided us in a way that we could spread the gospel to the local Arabs in His wisdom and providence.
