A successful person tends to have a positive mindset. They usually overcome hardship with their positive mindset and efforts. In the same condition, success or failure depends on the mindset of each one. ...
The Best Goodness
If you love and serve others from the heart, you do not say evil words to them including jokes but only gentle and good words all the time. ...
Manmin News
June 4, 2015
Keys to Raising Children
When asked how to raise children well in the Lord, I advise them to offer up family services. My family regularly offered up family service ...
Manmin News
June 4, 2015
God Who Created Us
While a man drove his Ford car, the car broke down suddenly. Though he tried to repair it, it was no use. Just then, a gentleman approached ...
Manmin News
June 3, 2015
The Size of Mind
Though our mind cannot be seen or measured physically, it actually does exist and the sizes of people's minds are different. People say in t ...
Manmin News
June 2, 2015
The Result of Suffering
Those who think affirmatively do not get discouraged when they face a crisis, but make the crisis a chance for growth. When Beethoven was yo ...