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Estonia Miracle Healing Crusade 2010 attracts large crowd

The Estonia Miracle Healing Crusade 2010 gets underway in Saku Suurhall, the biggest arena of Estonia, in the capital city Tallinn. / Courtesy of Manmin Central Church

On October 30 and 31, 2010, the Estonia Miracle Healing Crusade 2010 was held in "Saku Suurhall'' the biggest arena of Estonia, in the capital city Tallinn, by Dr. Jaerock Lee, Senior Pastor of Manmin Central Church and Chairman of the United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ. This crusade brought the most people to this arena in the Christian history of Estonia. Numerous people accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and received healing by the power of God, and then God was glorified. This crusade was broadcast to 220 nations via 37 satellites on GCN TV, aired TV, Cable TV and the Internet.

It is no exaggeration to say that currently in Europe there is no pulse of life in Christianity and its stagnation is exceedingly serious. Many Europeans do not acknowledge the existence of God the Creator and there are forces that stand against God. The ''Estonia Miracle Healing Crusade 2010 with Dr. Jaerock Lee'' held in a European country imbued with this spiritual stagnation was like the Lord's earnest craving for slumbering Europeans. At the press meeting held on Oct. 28, Dr. Lee said, "I wish for many churches in Europe that are too far distant from God to be awakened through this crusade.'' Dr. Lee has led mega-sized crusades in dozens of countries including Germany, Russia, India, USA, and Israel. At times tens of thousands, other times hundreds of thousands and even millions of people gathered.

On Oct. 30, the first night of the 2-day Estonian crusade, five minutes before the event started the arena was already so crowded with attendees that the event coordinators had to turn many people away from the arena to return home and watch the event on TV. Prior to Dr. Lee's preaching, the performance team of Manmin Central Church presented a world-top class Christian performance and glorified God. It was followed by Dr. Lee's sermon entitled ``God the Creator'' and then he earnestly prayed for the sick from the podium. Many people were healed and testified to their healing on the stage.

Bishop Dr. Robert A. van Heulen, member of The Association of Evangelical Assemblies (AEGA) International Council of Bishops and European Director of AGEA, had fallen very ill and entered Estonia relying on the wheelchair because he couldn't walk properly. But when Dr. Jaerock Lee prayed for the sick from the podium at the crusade, Bishop Dr. Heulen's face began to glow. Immediately strength came down upon his legs and he stood up from his wheelchair and began walking. Mrs. Alina Aivazova, wife of Dr. Leonid Chernovetskyi, Mayor of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine attended this crusade and was healed of arthritis and spondylitis, and testified that the pain over her whole body disappeared. In addition, many people in attendance were healed of various diseases including cancers and heart diseases and restored poor eyesight by the great explosion of the Holy Spirit.

Dr. Lee's message delivered on the second night, on Oct. 31, was titled "Why Is Jesus Our Only Savior?'' In his message he emphasized that the believers who accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior should cast away sins and become sanctified. When he prayed for the sick, many people were healed of various diseases including epilepsy and cancers. They came up to the stage to testify to their healings. A little boy who had been blind since birth had the vision in his left eye restored, and when he testified to his healing, the audience rejoiced with big applause.

Europe is the birthplace of Protestantism through the Reformation, but currently a trend toward anti-Christian sentiment has become rampant and Islam and Buddhism are increasing in Europe. By the providence of God, the Estonian crusade was held to stop this anti-Christian trend and awaken Europeans. It is expected that through the Estonian 2010 crusade, Christianity in Europe will be strengthened and set ablaze by the fire of the Holy Spirit.

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